It's been a few days since we've posted an update, but that's probably because there isn't much content to update on. Abigail continues to do well. Her one eye is still swollen but it opens up just a little bit more every day. Her stitches also look good and continue to heal well. We are getting her on solids again, which we started pre-surgery but have had other things to think about in the last two weeks. Sometimes she likes solids, some time she doesn't. It's always a mystery...
It is still kind of hard to look at Abigail and not think that it is a different baby girl. She still doesn't look like the Abigail we were used to. In time, however, we won't be able to imagine her any other way then she is now...
Jaron's "glove" has been set aside now; we leave the bandages off of his hand even though his fingers are still growing new skin. The doc said it was OK as long as we keep an eye on the wounds for any infection, which we don't expect. And he can stretch his fingers out fully - praise God!
Jaron is also learning how to put sentences together. Just today, when Jeremy was running the saw he said "Dadda make noise? Like Grandpa?" Grandpa was running the saw when he was here last week and apparently Jaron remembered! It's always fun having him around!
cute! just wait until they become obsessed with pronouns. one time ellie kept pointing to the pantry and said, "she she ours his them" then "now!". one year later i still have no idea what that child was talking about... ~z
oh i loooove when they begin talking more! it's such fun finding out what's going on inside their minds...well, sometimes. other times, not so much. ha!
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