Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Visit to the G-rents

We went to visit Jeremy's parents in Hazelton, PA a couple weekends ago. We all had a very nice visit. Jaron and Abigail, espeically Jaron at this age, so appreciates the big open yard to run around in that both mine and Jeremy's parents have. We just wish they lived closer to us. We enjoyed visiting with Craig, Jeremy's twin brother, and Molly Marie too. Emma (age 2) and Micah (age 9 months) were great playmates for the kids.


La Familia Garcia said...

Your kids look SOO big! I love the pics and can't wait to see you sooN!

California Riggalls said...

Great pictures! We'll be there next year :-)
I think Abbie totally looks like you and Emma just like Molly Marie! xoxo

geniene simrak said...

Look at that big sweet grin!! All those adorable kids. I love it. Wish we could take a visit to the Riggall Seniors. We could sure use it right now.

Cindy Gregson said...

It's funny...whether Jeremy is at his folks' home or ours here in NY, there's always a picture of him on the lawn mower!

Anonymous said...

i like your kids:*:D