Friday, October 1, 2010


I figure the best way to catch everyone up from all of our "Riggall Happenings" is through PICTURES. We're so far behind with news, why bother to explain every adventure in detail?

Mary's first Phillies game (and hopfully not my last). We got free tickets and got a last minute date out of it!

Abbie and Mommy's trip to VA. We went down to where my roots are with my Mom and sister, Angela, for a cousin's wedding. My other sister, Tiffany, and her hubby also went down.

Cabining at Gifford Pinchott Park

 More to come...


Cindy Gregson said...

LOVE the pics! What fun we had! Can't wait for the next time.

Rachel V said...

Looks like lots of fun adventures and memories for Team Rigall!

Do you own your kayak? I have only been kayaking once and remember loving it!