Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Abbie Turns One!

Our little baby girl has finally turned one! Where has the time gone?! Here are a few photos of her little party. At the bottom of the post we'll fill you in on what she's been up to and what we learned at her 12 month doctor visit...

She was more fascinated by the candle than with the cupcake.

Chomping down on her first piece of cake.

Gotta love a birthday cupcake!

She wasn't terribly agressive about opening her gifts. She would rather sit back and have someone do it for her.

The balloons were a hit with the kids. Jeremy and I would get them all in one corner of the living room and bounce them off their heads. Jaron and Abbie went crazy over that!

Abbie went in for her 12 month doctors appointment this morning; we were anxious to see what the doctor would say since Abbie has not yet started to crawl. It turns out that the doctor has diagnosed Abigail with Hypotonia. Hypotonia is a medical condition that causes low muscle tone and low strength; it is typically brought on by other disorders and diseases and cannot be considered a medical disorder by itself. It is basically a by-product of a list of other medical issues; on that list is Infant Botulism. Now, we don't know too much more then that except that the doctor urged us to start physical therapy for her as soon as possible. That will be done here in the home or we will go to a therapist for it - that has yet to be determined. We don't know the long term effects hypotonia will have on Abigail, if any. And we may not know for awhile.

Please pray that the Lord would find it pleasing to give Abigail the strength that she needs.

Her fine motor skills, however, are doing well! She grasps food well. She scoots around on her bottom. She waves bye-bye, gives kisses, gives high-five, claps her hands, sounds like she says "Dadda & Mamma", she's a great sleeper (two naps a day), a great eater with table food, she still nurses twice a day, and today she discovered her belly button. She seems to learn something new every day. She still has no teeth, does not like tummy time, does not roll over, does not stand on her feet well, but she's coming along and we pray that she will have increased strength in a short time. She is a tiny little thing. Her weight is only 18 lbs., which is in the 10th percentile for her age. She's only gained 2 lbs. since her last check-up, 3 months ago, but she's gaining consistently enough where there's no cause for concern. She's certainly eating well! Her height is also only in the 10th percentile.

We're so incredibly thankful for our little girl and can't imagine life without her. We love her so much. Yes, it's been a rough first year for her, but the Lord loves her even more than her parents do. That is quite evident, so we chose to put her life in His hands. God's will be done for Abigail Kathryn. Happy Birthday princess!


Brian & Mary Hand said...

These pictures are precious! Thanks for the doctor update. We'll continue to pray for her strength and growth. It's a blessing to read of how you're putting her life into God's hands . . . that's all we ever can and should do . . . but, it's not always easy.

Love to you all . . .

La Familia Garcia said...

Hey Mary,
Congratulations to the birthday girl! I've worked with a few children that have Hypotonia and it is usually different with each case depending on the underlying medical condition. Each case I've worked with show huge results with the physical therapy. That is a good step!

Entrusting our childrens lives to God gives us peace in knowing that he is the one who takes care of them and protects them.

The Sinks said...

We'll be praying for little Abbie!

California Riggalls said...

Great pictures and thanks for sharing! We will be praying for you and for her! Ellie was also super-small at 1 year, only 17lbs! A peanut for sure but a cute peanut! Petite girls must run in the family. wink. Love you Mary!