Friday, December 4, 2009

Abbie's Update

Abigail went in for her six month check up with the surgeon this week. It was a rather significant appointment since the surgeon would be able to tell how well the re-structuring of the bones took to their new shape. Overall, the report was good. The bones were smooth and she looks great. The shape of her head has rounded out a little bit from where it was placed, but the surgeon believes that it won't be significant enough to necesitate further surgeries. However, only time will tell.

Also, the surgeon recommend that we take her to an eye doctor to have them check her out again. He noticed, as Mary has over the past few months, that one of her eyes is not tracking along with the other. It's hard to say whether it is a significant issue until we talk with the doctor. The concern is that if she isn't seeing well out of that eye, her body will adjust to not using it and the muscle will shut down and not develop.

Also, Abigail had her evaluation with Early Intervention today. She is approved for physical therapy, which we hope to start within the next week or so. They say she is rated at 6 to 9 months for rolling over and crawling despite being a year old. They've given us some tips to help her. Her fine motor skills, however, are ahead of her age group. She knows how to stack blocks and fit round balls into round holes and square pegs in square holes.

We'll continue to post as new developments occur. Thanks for your prayers.

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