Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Family Update

I can't believe it's been almost a month since our last post! The summer has flown by. We must've had a lot going on that kept us from posting.... or not much to post about. Either way, we have some updates on our family now.

What have we done this past month? Well,
- we took a trip to upstate NY to visit Mary's parents
-Jeremy and Mary finally joined our church's worship team and just sang a song together for the offeratory (with Jer accompanying on the guitar; it was SO nice to get back into that again)
- went to a wedding of Jeremy's co-worker
- had a few Dr.'s appointments
- had friends over
- went to other poeple's house for dinner
- Mary got her hair trimmed (HUGE highlight in my life... sad, I know)
- went to the beach at Ocean Grove, NJ over Labor Day weekend (we literally squeezed all four of us into a teeny, tiny room with Jaron in a pack-n-play and the baby on the floor... anything to save a buck, right?)
- finally joined a small group Bible Study at church
- Mary also joined a Ladies Bible Study
- Jaron has joined a 2's and 3's Sunday School class
- Jeremy installed new flooring in the kitchen and carpet in Jaron's room, as well as exterior lighting.
Still to come:
- a trip to Bethany Beach in Deleware (thanks to J's boss who is loaning us a weekend at his shore condo)
- a trip to visit Mary's Grandparent's in VA
- a family trip to the zoo (first time for Jaron, but I thinked I'm more excited about it than he is) - and a special date later this week, a dinner cruise on the Spirit of Philadelphia.

Some things are bigger news than others, but it all has kept us busy and on our toes. We are very excited about becoming involved in church activities more, now that we're past the hospital drama and Abigail has healed so well. She is nursing less (3 times a day), so it's giving Mom a little more freedom to go places and join things. She is still going through major stranger anxiety, which is normal for a 10 month old, and that makes it hard to leave her anywhere or with anyone, even in our own house. I believe it's a little worse than normal for her only because of the trama she went through just 3 months ago with her surgery. Doc seems to think it could last for a long time yet because of that. So that is tough but Abbie and Jaron are already such good playmates so he helps to keep her entertained when I can't be by her side. She usually enjoys just watching him play. She is not crawling yet, but acts like she wants to. She has very strong legs so I dont' see any reason why she won't start quite soon. I'm really enjoying this stage though, I have to say. Jaron keeps me running around enough as it is. Abigail can also give kisses and seems to try and sing when you sing to her, but I'm still figuring that one out. She is still very loud and vocal.

Helping Momma in the kitchen
Results of surgery in June

Jaron has grown by leaps and bounds this summer. He is talking so well now. We can actually understand him and have somewhat of a conversation with him. Things that I've heard him say recently that has cracked me up is "uh...nedamind (nevermind)", or "how (you) doing?", "see you waiter (later), bye", "that what Bible says?", "Wov (love) you Abbie" or when we're in church after every song or prayer he'll say very loud, "All done!" There's more, I just can't think of them all. I've heard that kids at this age are funny. It's so true. They're a handful with their wills shining through and lack of self control, but the things they say are so funny. They hear everything you say. Jeremy and I are being very careful these days with what we say, knowing that there are little ears always listening and repeating. Jaron is sitting through most of the church service now without needing to go to the nursery and occasionally he'll sit through the whole thing. He can also say his first Bible verse, Ephesians 6:1 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right."

Reading a book to his sister

Jaron's not sure what he's more excited for: snow or the pool. He wears an interesting combination of winter hat and gloves and little swimmers.

More to follow: our beach adventures.


Anonymous said...

like the new layout and gald to hear all is well. see ya! -mike

The Sinks said...

good to hear from you all! sounds like you have been really busy. Eph. 6:1 was Kathryn's first Bible verse that she learned too! :)