Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beach Vacation

We were blessed to be able to go for a long weekend to Ocean Grove, NJ. We met my parents there and then Saturday my sister Tiffany and her fiance, Jarid, showed up. We had two beautiful days on the beach and a lovely time enjoying the relaxation of the quaint victorian town. My Mom and Dad have fond memories of that place, so it was very special for them, especially my Dad who grew up vacationing there from the time he was just a boy.

Jaron had an absolute marvolous time in the sand and water. He was so brave in the ocean. A little too brave. We had to make sure he didn't go too far in. Every time a wave came, he would tense up and giggle and then when the waves went back, he would try and chase them, not realizing that another one was just about to topple him over. They would have if one of us wasn't there holding on tight because we had extremely rough waves from hurricane Hanna. The cooler water didn't even seem to bother him at all. He has always been a water baby. Ever since the first time I bathed him as a newborn, he never cried in the water. So here are some pictures of our weekend. It was certainly a good way to end the summer. Now we're looking forward to the fall and a new addition to our family. I will send out more pictures along with a video later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lot's of fun on a single trip. Recently I have also enjoyed one through Thrifty.