Jaron is 17 months old now and such the little toddler now. We are really enjoying this stage. Of course, we say that about every stage, but
this one really is a lot of fun. He's soaking in so much like a sponge and into everything. He jabbers constantly, but doesn't say too much that we can understand. He loves brushing his teeth. That's his new thing. He still only has four on top and one still trying to pop up on the bottom, so getting teeth is still taking it's time. He'll go over to the sink, step up on his stool and put his tooth brush under the water and start brushing away. I guess he's seen Mommy do it a lot. He still loves being outside and goes straight for the dirt of course as most boys do. I found a little tykes sliding board someone was throwing away that I brought home for him and he loves it. He's learned to climb it and slide down all by himself. He'll even count to three before he goes down. So that's only a few things that our boy is doing new these days. I'm not sure how he'll handle having a new baby in the house. It's hard to tell how he'll react. He will only be 19 months older than she and is still somewhat dependent, but I do hope he adjusts well. We've only got 10 weeks to go! Little Abigail is doing well and very active in her Mommy's tummy. Jeremy is trying to get things done here and there around the house before she arrives since we know that once she's here, the holidays will also be here and there will be very little time to work on the house.
So here are some recent pictures I thought I'd share.
Jaron and Eli observing closely as Grandpa fixes the toy.
Daddy and Jaron taking a swim in Grandpa and Grandma's pool.
A rare family photo taken on a day at the beach.
Jaron and I went to the park with cousins Eli, Gabe and Aunt Geniene. We had a nice time.