Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Baby Boy

Now at 21 weeks, and with so many possibilities ahead of us, all I can say is, what a journey it has been! Yes, this third pregnancy has been a little more difficult than the last two, as most women find, but we are still thrilled, to say the least to welcome our baby boy. My pregnancy, though exhausting, has been a healthy one thus far, and we are so grateful to our Lord for being with each of us Riggalls in our own special way. Jaron and Abigail are thrilled to have a little brother and are already picking out (somewhat serious) names for our little guy. Abbie continues to say, "I wanna see it" or "You pop, Mommy?" Oh boy, is she in for a surprise once I reach 38+ weeks? I'm not exactly looking forward to the August heat combined with carrying a large belly with me, but if my mother could manage having her FIFTH child in the middle of August, I'm pretty sure I will make it.

10 weeks

12 weeks

13 weeks

14 weeks
19 weeks

Foot - 19 weeks

20 weeks

21 weeks


California Riggalls said...

lookin' fabulous! thanks for posting :-)

lisaqshay said...

beautiful, mary. great catch up/progress post!

Cindy Gregson said...

you go girl! You can do it! I think you're carrying a football playeer!

La Familia Garcia said...

You look great! Does "you pop" mean you have a balloon in your tummy? That's cute!