Thursday, November 18, 2010

Abbie's 2 Year Old Ladybug Party

Abbie was one cute ladybug that day! I can't believe she is already two! Happy birthday my sweet little girl. I love you so much and thank God for your precious life every day!

I made ladybug from sea shells we found at the beach this past summer
I made antennae with headbands, pipe cleaners, and painted styrofoam balls
Party favors: red and black candy pulled from the kid's Halloween buckets
Ladybug candy jar for game prizes
I made a Ladybug cake!
Game: Pin the dot on the ladybug!
Hand and face painting
Abbie and Jeremy
Gabe, Dan and Geniene
Finger food for kids and Red Chili with black beans (for black dots) for adults
Mary and Geniene
Cake time!
Abbie helping to cut the cake
Aunt Carole painting Abbie's face
Present time

Monday, November 15, 2010


We are pleased to introduce the newest member of the Riggall Clan – Callie, a black lab puppy was adopted into our family this afternoon. Callie will fit right in; she’s an adorable puppy who likes to cuddle and play, but isn’t too rambunctious and doesn’t bark too much, either – a perfect mix for us.

Callie comes from a shelter in South Carolina (a southern girl like Mary!) and was shipped up for us yesterday with a group of other dogs to a rescue in the area. We saw Callie on the internet first, asked to have her brought up and then we, along with a dozen other families, all went to the rescue to pick up our dogs yesterday afternoon. These puppies were surely going to be euthanized had they not been saved; the shelter is running out of room and many of the dogs in the outside kennels will have to be put down now that it is getting cold outside.

Callie is happily cuddled up on Mary’s lap, already enjoying her new home. Photos are below.

Jaron is indeed hugging her, not choking her..

Trying to chew the leash off

Pretty girl!

Very tired!

Why is this boy hugging me?

Daddy's other little girl