Friday, May 21, 2010

So Worth It

Jeremy and I finally got away for a night! We haven't been away just the two of us since before Jaron was born, about 3 1/2 years ago. Way too long! We decided to leave the kids with Jeremy's parents, and head out to a B&B in Lancaster, where we went for our 1st anniversary four years ago. We had a lovely time. Friday night we went out to dinner, then saw "Joseph" at the Sight and Sound Theatre. Great show! It was very well done. Then Saturday we enjoyed perusing through the outlet stores. It was a beautiful day.
So heading home we realized how much longer our time away felt than just 30 hours. And our marriage felt rejuvenated. I cannot begin it express how just a small amount of time like that spent away with just you and your spouse, no kids, no family and friends, just the two of you, is SO very important! It makes a world of difference when you can stop life and focus on each other. Then you begin to remember why you're making all these sacrifices day after day. Because my husband is so worth it!

1 comment:

La Familia Garcia said...

What a sweet post to your hubby! I love how you two MATCH! Sooo cute!