Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jaron Turns 3!

Jaron has grown by leaps and bounds. Amongst Abigail's physical therapy, her illness, and our concentration on her developments, I have failed to post on our little guy who is growing up way too fast for me! His third birthday was yesterday. My little chubby, cuddly, giggly, bright blue-eyed baby boy is now three! 

Jaron is talking in full sentences with a vast understanding of his little world around him (whether he lets on like he does or not). He is very much into any construction with tools and machines, mostly because his Daddy does so much around the house with them. His imagination has taken off, whether it be building something with his tools, or having a simple conversation with himself (very interesting and funny to listen to). He loves to "finger" paint, but prefers to use a paint brush (sounds like his Uncle Tim). He still loves to sing and does right well with that too (also sounds like his Uncle Tim). His pitch is remarkable for a three year old. He will jump octaves in the middle or at the end of the song just to make it a bit more interesting. He's got a very strong will, but a huge capacity to love. He loves his little sister and is always watching out for her. For instance, Jaron will always warn either Jeremy or I when Abbie is climbing up the stairs for worry that she might fall, and he will close the basement door if she gets too close to it for fear that she might fall down those stairs, and he will put her pacifier in her mouth if she is crying to calm her (probably also because he doesn't like loud noises, and boy is she loud!). I am amazed at how well the two of them play together for being at such different stages. He has learned to communicate with Abbie in his own way and she gets it. It's great to just sit back and watch the two of them.

Jaron has been potty trained for about a month in a half now. We quit cold-turkey on  diapers, figuring that if we're going to tell him that he has to stay dry except for during the night, that it would probably confuse him, so we have not put a diaper on our boy since the day he started potty training. It is so nice to have only one child in diapers now.  

We have been working on Scripture verses with Jaron. He can quote three verses ( Eph. 6:1, Phil. 2:14, and I John 4:19) and say what the Fruits of the Spirit are. Trying to incorporate what those verses mean into his heart is the tricky part :)

We love our first born so much and pray for his heart every day. We need God's wisdom to train him and all our children up properly in the fear of the Lord, so that He will one day give his whole heart to Jesus.

Here is Jaron at 8 months old.


Brian & Mary Hand said...

This is too cute! I love the video! Jaron's growing up so fast! And, I'm SO glad to hear that the potty-training was a quick success!

Happy Birthday Jaron!

lisaqshay said...

Happy Birthday, Jaron! You're mommy wrote so many nice things about you. I cannot wait to meet you one day and introduce you to the wild and crazy Shay boys! Loved your Super Baby video, very clever. I pray that you hear Jesus knocking on the door of your heart and that you fling wide open the door and say YES! I'm pretty certain a youth group worship team spot lies ahead.
xoxo The Shays!

lisaqshay said...

ergh! "Your" not you're. hate when i do that...

La Familia Garcia said...

Mary he looks like SUCH a big boy!! He is such a perfect mix of both you and Jeremy. I would love to hear him say those verses! Praying for you two as parents to these precious children!

California Riggalls said...

Happy Birthday to a very sweet nephew! We love you Jaron!