Saturday, July 4, 2009

Eeaoobodee dada

I just asked Jaron what we should title this post and that was his response.

It is difficult to believe it was only a little over a week ago that we last posted - it feels like it was three weeks! That is a measure of how much has happened over the last week. We'll get into some of the highlights and pictures below, but first an update on Abigail.

There are still a few stitches hanging on that will eventually dissolve and pull out. The scar itself looks really good and her head is a little fuzzy as the hair is starting to grow in. All seems to be well except for her right eye, which still has not opened all of the way. To us it seems as if there is no progress there, but we are trying to do our best to not think too far ahead before the "swelling period" is complete. She also is behind in her body coordination, particularly with rolling over from front to back and back to front. Some babies are thinking about crawling around this age! We figure she has spent a lot of her life laying in a hospital bed and trying to heal and not as much time in building body strength so we are certain she will catch up at some point.

In other news, Jaron has decided that it is a good idea to go pee-pee on the potty, just "like Eli," his cousin. So Jaron goes pee-pee on the potty every night before bed without us forcing him to! Yesterday, during the middle of the day, he told me he had to go pee-pee, which turned out to be accurate. We are not making him go on the potty because potty training really needs to be their idea anyway if you want to be successful, but we greatly encourage him everytime he goes. Perhaps this isn't great Blog Material but we're rather excited about it. Go Jaron! The sooner we can stop buying diapers for you the better!!!

Speaking of new developments, Abigail has now started on solid food! At first she refused but will now easily put down 4-5 jars a day. Our little baby girl is growing up ... sniff, sniff....

The first set of photos below is of a walk we took on Father's Day - yes, we are one of those families that drag their kids around in a wagon now. Abigail did quite a nice job sitting up and staying balanced. She also really enjoyed chewing on the strap...

This set of photos is from last Saturday when we spent the day at Ocean Grove, NJ.

Curently, we are on a vacation, taking a few days to relax as a family at Jeremy's parents house. We'll post an update upon our return.
Congrats Brooke and Angel upon your newest addition!
Everyone have a terrific Fourth of July!


California Riggalls said...

Go Jaron Go! We loooove no diapers :-)
And yes, we are very proud of our wagon too -- just that season when you get excited about those kind of wheels for your kids....

lisaqshay said...

enjoy your time away! Big boy on the potty, that's sooo awesome!! little abby looks so cute in the healing process. love the fuzzies!

geniene simrak said...

Love the title, Jaron!

Eli will be so glad to hear that Jaron is learning to use the big potty like him! (Quite frankly, the thing he is most concerned about is getting Jaron to talk more, but I'm sure he'll be excited about the potty milestone, too.)

Maybe I'll give you a ring tomorrow or Sunday. We need to get together in the next few days so that I don't miss Dan too much!