Friday, March 27, 2009

New Friend

We had some friends come over for dinner the other night and they had little girl who was due on the same day as Abigail. Little Anna Kate Sallade was born about six days after her. Abbie has made a new friend!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Abigail's Baptism

WARNING: It's long! Like 10 minutes long, but we figured it would be nice for the family who couldn't be there with us on that special day could have the chance to see it if they wanted.

This baptismal dress was made by my Grandmother and I wore it for my baptism.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saint Patrick's Day

I was told I need to publish these pictures on my blog. Thanks Lisa, for the reminder to do so!
We had a fun St. Patty's Day.... until nap time came around. I think the pictures are evident when that was.

More Pictures of the Big Boy

Making funny faces for the camera

Ever since he was a newborn, Jaron has loved being in the water. He still loves it.

Jaron turns 2!

Jaron turned two on Sunday. I can't believe my little boy isn't so little anymore. We celebrated his birthday on Saturday with his cousins, Eli and Gabe. We took them to McDonald's so they would have an indoor playground to play on, then after a light lunch, we came back to our house for cupcakes and gifts. I think they all had fun.

Jaron was wired for about two days after he ate that chocolate cupcake.
The only reason Gabe is wearing a pink bib was because that was all I had to offer him at the time. The color does go well with his complection though!