My little 13 month old is FINALLY getting some toophers and believe it or not, they are coming from up top, not on the bottom. Here he gives a big grin to show Nanna and Pappa, Grammy and Grandpa, all his aunts, uncles and cousins what he's been accomplishing these past few weeks. He's so proud.
We have been packing up our apartment gradually this past month and sending boxes over to the house with Jeremy every time he goes over to work, which is almost every night. Amidst all the packing it's quite easy to drop little pieces of something-or-another on the floor. Jaron, of course will find it and instead of putting it in the trash can, which is what I'm trying to teach him, he will explore the substance by putting it in his mouth, so it has been important to keep the floor well vacuumed. Jeremy and Jaron got me this handy little vacuum for quick, easy messes for my birthday in March. Jaron has watched me use it enough to realize what it's for. He's quite the little helper. Take a look and see.
Something most recent Jaron has been doing is sticking his feet between the crib rails and falling asleep. Notice his little John Deer sox Aunt Tiffy?