Those last two statements were pretty important, but we didn't provide much detail. So I hope to fill you all in a bit more.
The house: after waiting for three weeks, we have heard back from the seller's bank (who had to approve our loan due to the house being a foreclosure). The news provided us with immediate relief, as we were very tense during those three weeks. We didn't know which way the Lord was going to take us, and it felt as if our entire lives were on hold. But we trusted that the Lord would be faithful to us no matter what the outcome was. And He has been.
During the time that we were waiting to hear from the bank, Jaron got the flu, then gave the flu to poor Mary, who, after not being able to keep down any liqids, was told to go to the hospital to have an iv put in. So we dropped Jaron off at Dan and Geniene's and off we went to the hospital. The nurses took some blood samples from Mary and when they came back, they said the pregnancy test came back positive! We had an idea that she could have been pregnant, although we weren't sure. Nonetheless, we were a bit shocked, but quite happy.
Although slightly sooner then we were planning on being pregnant, we are thrilled with this new development in the life of our family and already can't wait for the new arrival. Good thing this house is a three bedroom!
So, we currently are dealing with pregnancy sickness, finding the best mortgage, trying to stay on top of a quick-moving one year old, and talking about paint colors. Lots of fun!
- Jeremy